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Descriptor English:   Immune Tolerance 
Descriptor Spanish:   Tolerancia Inmunológica 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Tolerância Imunológica 
Synonyms English:   Immunosuppressions (Physiology)
Tolerance, Immune
Immunosuppression (Physiology)  
Tree Number:   G12.535.425
Definition English:   The specific failure of a normally responsive individual to make an immune response to a known antigen. It results from previous contact with the antigen by an immunologically immature individual (fetus or neonate) or by an adult exposed to extreme high-dose or low-dose antigen, or by exposure to radiation, antimetabolites, antilymphocytic serum, etc. 
Indexing Annotation English:   do not confuse X ref IMMUNOSUPPRESSION (PHYSIOLOGY) with the Cat E immunol technique IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: Manual 28.21.1
See Related English:   Graft vs Host Disease
Immunocompromised Host
History Note English:   66(64) 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
DE drug effects ES ethics
GE genetics IM immunology
PH physiology RE radiation effects
Record Number:   7292 
Unique Identifier:   D007108 

Occurrence in VHL:
